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Effective Communications with Customers on Tour

In the world of adventure tourism, especially for multi-day trips, smooth communication with customers is vital for providing an outstanding customer experience. But how can you ensure your customers stay well-informed and updated, feel secure during their tours, and make sure they navigate with confidence while becoming fully immersed in their adventure?

At Odyssey, we focus on smooth communication as the crucial factor for Multi-day Operators to provide an outstanding customer experience.

Here's some strategies and tools for achieving this... 

Timely Updates with Targeted and Automated Texting

Imagine your customers are about to navigate through breathtaking landscapes and you want to remind them of packing lists before they embark on the journey. Or when they are on the trip and you want to inform them about an upcoming point of interest, a famous attraction nearby, or a cosy café ahead for that next coffee stop. This is where targeted and automated texting services come into play. 


  • Personalisation: Tailor messages based on customer’s location, preferences, or itinerary, ensuring personalised communication.

  • Timeliness: Texts ensure essential information reaches customers when you decide you want to interact with your customer, such as an event happening nearby, weather changes or route alterations.

  • Automated: Set pre determined text content that can be automated and sent on your behalf eg Day 2 - Ensure your e-bike battery is fully charged...

  • Convenience: SMS Texts offer a discreet way to stay connected, adding value to the customers experience.

Odyssey's SMS text services allow you to send tailored messages that can enhance the customer's journey providing a travel experience that goes beyond the trip itself—making it personalised, informed, and memorable.

'Where Are They Now?' Function for Safety and Updates

For Multi-day Tour Operators customer safety is a high priority. Having a 'where are they now' search function within your operating system can be a game-changer. This feature can quickly locate customers in case of emergencies, unexpected situations or when quick updates are necessary. 


  • Enhanced Safety: Providing immediate contact assistance, real-time trail updates or safety alerts like road or trail repairs/detours, weather alerts and emergencies.

  • Real-Time Updates: Efficiently communicate to customers on specific locations without scrambling around for information.

  • Peace of Mind: Both operators and customers enjoy a sense of security, knowing that help is just a search away.

The 'where are they now' feature proves to be indispensable during emergencies. Having an operating system with this feature like Odyssey will enable you to provide effective management of unforeseen circumstances and peace of mind.

A Dedicated Mobile App

Another effective communication method is harnessing the potential of the mobile app. With just one click or swipe on their phones customers gain access to a wealth of information during their trip.


  • Comprehensive Information: It’s vital your customers have all the information they need at their fingertips. This includes up-to-date trail maps, timely weather updates, and of course personalised itinerary information that seamlessly integrates from your operating system to a mobile app.

  • Create your own customer 'intranet': Go deeper again with information to your customer. Build a library of resources easily accessible with your secret sauce eg how to fix a puncture.

  • Accessibility: Pre-downloaded content can remain accessible even in areas with limited connectivity, ensuring that customers are never without vital information.

Leveraging the capabilities of Odyssey’s Multi-day Operating System with the power of Ody Trips mobile app enhances your customer’s overall experience and ensures they remain fully engaged throughout their journey.

Quick Reference with a Trip/Client Sheet

In the fast-paced environment of adventure tourism, quick access to customer information is crucial, especially when addressing inquiries or resolving issues. You as a Multi-Day Operator or your staff will need a trip/client data sheet to access information.


  • Efficiency: Operations staff can swiftly respond to queries or issues by referencing the trip/client sheet which includes their contact or trip details and the current location in their journey

  • Customisation: Understanding the customer's details from this document allows for tailored service, from their preferences and requirements, their bike styles and heights, bike adjustments, dietary needs, among other things. 

  • Reliability: Having all necessary information in one place reduces the risk of oversights or errors.

A quick access to customer information through a Trip/Client sheet pushed and printed from your operating system, such as Odyssey is invaluable. This ensures efficient handling of inquiries and issue resolution, ultimately enhancing the overall customer experience.

Ensuring Seamless Experiences

Now, let's bring these components together to illustrate how they contribute to a seamless and memorable journey for your customers:

  • During the Trip: The mobile app becomes a digital guide, offering rich content about each day's highlights. Meanwhile, automated texts remind customers of important checkpoints or share interesting tidbits about their location.

  • In Case of Changes or Emergencies: Real-time location tracking coupled with targeted texting ensures that critical information reaches the right customers at the right time, whether it's a route change or a weather warning.

  • Personal Touch: The trip/client sheet enables staff to address any customer-specific needs swiftly, from replacing a bike to accommodating a last-minute dietary request, making each customer feel valued and cared for.

Embracing the Odyssey

Choosing a Multi-day Operating System like Odyssey goes beyond adopting new software; it is about enhancing all aspects of your adventure tourism operations... in this case elevating your customers experience on tour.

In this ever-evolving industry, meaningful customer communication sets you apart. With the right strategies and tools every adventure you create becomes more than just a journey. Odyssey equips you with these tools to communicate effectively ensuring your customers are well-informed, stay safe, and are fully immersed in their adventure.

Remember, in the end, it's not just the landscapes or the activities that make your tours special, it's the seamless experiences and the personal touches that truly resonate with your guests.


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